Frequently Asked Questions

What is ZINNER?

ZINNER is an exclusive loyalty program offered by World of ZIN that provides extra benefits and rewards to our valued guests. By becoming a ZINNER member, you can enjoy a range of perks and privileges designed to enhance your experience at World of ZIN.

How do I become a ZINNER member?

To become a ZINNER member, simply download our mobile app and sign up for a free account. Once registered, you can start enjoying the benefits of being a ZINNER member, including earning rewards and accessing exclusive offers.

Is there a membership fee to join ZINNER?

There is no membership fee for ZINNER. Signing up for a ZINNER account is entirely free.

What are ZIN Coins and how can I use them?
  • ZIN Coins are reward points that you can accumulate through transactions and redeem for various purposes within the ZIN ecosystem.
  • Each ZIN Coins is equivalent to 1 ZINNER Balance, which is equal to 1 Indonesian Rupiah.
  • You can use ZIN Coins for any transaction at ZINNER Merchants, and they are combinable with your ZINNER Balance.
Can I combine ZIN Coins with my ZINNER Balance?

Yes, you can combine your ZIN Coins with your ZINNER Balance. This provides you with greater flexibility and options when making transactions at ZINNER Merchants, allowing you to maximize the benefits of both rewards.

How do I earn ZIN Coins?

You can earn ZIN Coins through various methods, including:

  • Reward on top-up transactions: Receive a generous 20% cashback reward in ZIN Coins when you top up your account with a minimum amount.
  • Reward on transactions with ZINNER Balance or cash: Earn 1% of the transaction value in ZIN Coins for each transaction made using ZINNER Balance or cash
Can I earn ZIN Coins and rewards without using the mobile app?

While we recommend using the ZINNER App for the best experience, you can still earn ZIN Coins and rewards with a ZINNER Card. Just present your ZINNER Card to the Merchant, who will scan your QR Code and ask for your PIN to confirm the transaction. You can request your ZINNER Card from the mobile app and pick it up at your preferred ZINNER Merchant.

What are ZINNER Merchants?

ZINNER Merchants are businesses that have partnered with World of ZIN to accept ZIN Coins and ZINNER Balance as a form of payment. These merchants offer exclusive offers, discounts, and benefits to ZINNER members, providing a wide range of options for you to utilize your rewards.

What is ZIN Impact?

ZIN Impact is our dedicated initiative to create a positive influence on society and the environment. Through a range of projects and activities, we aim to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives and contribute to a better, more sustainable future for all.

Please click this link for more information about ZIN Impact.

How can I make a donation to the ZIN Impact Program?

As a ZINNER member, you play a crucial role in our ZIN Impact Program through your participation in the ZINNER loyalty program.

  • Every time you top up your ZINNER Balance, you receive a 20% Reward in the form of ZIN Coins. What’s more, 1% of your top-up amount is automatically donated to the ZIN Impact Program from your ZIN Coins reward. It’s our way of turning your loyalty into real-world impact
  • Anytime you wish, you can make a direct donation to the ZIN Impact Program using your ZINNER Balance or ZIN Coins. Simply visit the ZIN Impact page in your ZINNER App to make a difference.
Is there an age requirement to become a ZINNER member?

Yes, to become a ZINNER member, you must be at least 18 years old or the legal age of adulthood in your respective country or region.

Can I have multiple ZINNER accounts?

No, each individual is allowed to have only one ZINNER account. Duplicate or multiple accounts are not permitted.

Can I transfer my ZINNER membership to someone else?

No, ZINNER memberships are non-transferable. Your ZINNER account and its associated benefits are personal and cannot be transferred to another individual.

How can I update my personal information in my ZINNER account?

You can update your personal information, such as your contact details or preferences, by accessing your account settings within the ZINNER mobile app. Simply navigate to the Account menu and choose Profile to make any necessary changes.

What should I do if I encounter any issues with my ZINNER account?
  • Through the Mobile App: You can easily get in touch with our customer support team by using the “Support Message” option in the mobile app.
  • Contact Information: You’ll also find our contact information on our website and within the ZINNER mobile app. Feel free to reach out to us using the provided details.

Rest assured, we’re here to assist you and ensure a seamless ZINNER experience. Your satisfaction is our priority.

What is the minimum and maximum of the top up amount?
  • Minimum: You can top up with any amount, but to receive the 20% Reward in ZIN Coins, a minimum of IDR 300,000 is required.
  • Maximum: The standard maximum is IDR 100,000,000. If you need to top up beyond this limit, please get in touch with our Management for assistance.
Is there a refund policy in place for ZINNER Balance

We regret to inform you that, once completed, transactions made through ZINNER are non-refundable. We appreciate your understanding and are here to provide support for any other inquiries or assistance you may need.

Where can I find the ZINNER Office?

The ZINNER headquarters is located at ZIN Canggu, Jl. Nelayan No. 78, Canggu, Bali. It serves as the central hub for managing the ZINNER loyalty program and coordinating activities related to member benefits and support.